1 on 1 Pre-Coaching Form I can’t wait to work with you. Fill out the form below so that we can get you making your impact! What’s your name? * First Name Last Name Your best email address? * We’ll most likely be connecting on Zoom, but just in case, what’s your phone number? * When’s your birthday? MM DD YYYY Do you have a website? Share it with me, please! If not, share the link to your most active social media profile. http:// Have you ever experienced coaching before? If so, with who? What was your experience like? * What’s your biggest challenge right now when it comes to your work and making an impact? * What’s the most urgent issue you’d like to improve upon? What are you hoping to learn and how are you hoping to grow through us working together? * What are some of your core values? Is there anything else you want me to know about you that might make your experience most the effective and nourishing? i.e. How do you think or operate? What motivates you? What kind of learner are you? Are there any topics you’re not willing to dig into? Thank you, thank you!