Diiiv Portfolio

diiiv portfolio

For the Spring ’16 and Fall ’16 semesters, I took part in Hampshire College’s Division III senior thesis project where I focused on naming the ways individual growth + healing is intertwined with community wellness + social justice. Below is a deep dive into the parts that made up my whole year. Click on the bold lettering to get more details on each part. 


+ manifesto

This is a collection of writing pieces that I’ve written over the course of my diiiv.

Click here to check it out.

+ diiiv contract

Click here to read an overview of my senior thesis project including the big questions I worked to address with my work and how I approached them.

Click here to read my contract.

+ part one reflection

This is a bullet list reflection where I dig into what I did and what I learned over the course of my first semester and summer of my diiiv.

Click here to check it out.


+ blogs & interviews

This is a collection of blog articles written by me (some featured on other websites) and recordings of others interviewing me.

blog: why the self-help industry isn’t changing the world

blog: what your privilege has to do with your leadership

blog: on taking back “be the change you wish to see in the world”

interview: the real feminist stories podcast with cameron airen

interview: navigation points podcast with caryl hallberg

blog feature: a coming together of roars

+ an inclusive wright

This is a presentation I shared with my former boss at the Wright Foundation for the Realization of Human Potential, Barbara Burgess – Wright’s Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Chief Vision Realization Officer (CVRO).

In response to feedback and criticisms from their students and community members of color, they’ve taken steps toward creating a more “welcoming community.” I shared a different vision I have for Wright moving from making Wright seem more welcoming to instead doing the work to make Wright more inclusive.

Click here to check out the presentation.

+ the podcast

I launched The Changemakers Podcast the first half of my Div III. In it, I interviewed women entrepreneurs who were making waves in their industries.

Click here to check out one of the episodes where I interview Berni Xiong of Brave Bear Media.


+ coaching as activism

Here are a few links that will give you insight into what this 10 week online group program was:

This is the invitation page with all details for the program

This is an overview of the curriculum

These are the video recordings

+ building resilience together

Click here to take a look at all of the pieces of this class.

Specifically look through:

  • Debriefs: a few raw reflections post-each class

+ retrospective

Reflections on the core takeaways from my diiiv.

Click here to read my retrospective.