Embracing Difference

Workshop Series on Supremacy Culture

June – September 2023

Beloved community is formed not by the eradication of difference but by its affirmation, by each of us claiming the identities and cultural legacies that shape who we are and how we live in the world.

bell hooks

 We are living through a time where our differences seem to be increasingly held as either beautiful or offensive, dangerous or precious, sacred or evil.

This is the impact of Supremacy Culture.

As we encounter differences within ourselves and each other, we’ve learned to place those differences within a binary of good or bad, right or wrong, and better or worse. We create relationships, systems, and worlds based on these judgments. This keeps us stuck in a never-ending battle of righteousness and prevents us from creating meaningful and sustainable solutions to our challenges.

This is how Supremacy Culture maintains itself.

Many of us want to make the world a more wonderful place to live, create and love, but the tools that got us here, will not get us there.

The sustainability of the futures we are co-creating is directly tied to our collective capacity to be with, relate to, and celebrate our differences.

This is not a call to release ourselves from accountability for how we treat one another.

This is a call to seek out the possibilities that open up when we’re able to simultaneously stand in our integrity and be in relationship with our infinitely diverse world of friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, leaders, allies and yes… even our foes.

Let’s explore what’s possible together.

This Summer, I’m offering a series of workshops titled Embracing Difference.

In each workshop, we will explore how Supremacy Culture shows up in a potent area of our lives and define personal practices to support you in building your skill and capacity to be with difference.

Each workshop session will include: self-reflection/journal prompts, group dialogue, paired shares and a short nourishment break. Automatic live transcription will be available for those who need it.

Power: June 14

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm CST

Art & Creativity: July 12

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm CST

Money: July 26

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm CST

Gender: August 2nd

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm CST

Religion & Spirituality: August 9

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm CST

Race: August 23

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm CST

Love & Relationships: September 6

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm CST

Vision for Change: September 20

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm CST

I invite you to join me for the entire workshop series or just a few individual workshops.

We’ll meet LIVE, virtually via Zoom. There will not be recordings sent out. There are no refunds for a missed workshop.

There is limited space available.

Each Individual Workshop is $55.

Register for what most interests you below.

There are a handful of Pay What You Can spots available. If you would like to join and my general pricing is not affordable for you right now, email me with the subject line: “Embracing Difference PWYC”. You do not need to explain your circumstances. Please include in your email: which workshops you would like to attend and what payment you’re able to commit to.

My email address: [email protected]

Hi! I’m Andréa – singer, writer, speaker + teacher.

For most of my life, I’ve been living in the question: “How can I live, work and relate in a way that supports and contributes to positive social change?

Finding my answers to this question has been my life’s journey and I love partnering with others who are also living in this question and supporting them in finding their own answers.

I’ve always had an inner knowing that we have what we need to create a world where we can thrive together – where our humanity is honored, our differences are embraced, our fundamental human needs are met and our planet is well.

Unfortunately, this is not the current state of our world. AND we’re each responsible for what we decide to do with the realities we’ve inherited from our ancestors. The way I see it, we have much work to do.

For my part, I am devoted to inspiring my community to address our world’s greatest challenges from the inside out. This offering is a part of my contribution. Should you decide to join me for this workshop series, I hope that it’ll be a catalyst, a challenge, and a comfort to and for you, as you engage in making your own contribution.

More context about what learning with me is like:


  • I practice centering the person. This work does not exist outside of you and me, it resides within us all. Y(our) experiences, perspectives, questions, and differences are what we’re gathering to explore together – please bring you with you!
  • I practice prioritizing the voices and learning experiences of black, brown, indigenous and/or trans folks in the room. If you hold any of these identities, I ask that you prioritize your learning and experience rather than tailoring how you show up to making sure those with respective privileged identities are comfortable (because you’re joining this for. you.)
  • I practice honoring y(our) sovereignty. I cannot decide whats best for you or give you answers to your challenges. I am here, willing and excited to be a supportive resource as you determine that for yourself.

To find out more about my own journey with difference, watch my TEDx talk:

In our work and in our living, we must recognize that difference is a reason for celebration and growth, rather than a reason for destruction.”

– Audre Lorde