artist.  teacher. writer.


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workshops + courses


imperfectly with ARJ


You chose the work you do because you want to make an impact.

Or because you see the pain, suffering, injustices in the world around you and you know that something better is possible.

Or because you want to offer what you’ve got in support of healing, growth and justice so that we can all live our best lives.

Or because it’s something that you just can’t not do.

What if there are opportunities for you to have greater integrity, deepen your impact, live out your values and truly show up for the change you wish to see?

Coaching as Activism is an anti-oppressive program for coaches, healers + leaders who want to bring their commitments to healing, justice & liberation (for all) into their work & life.

*Leaders meaning: you don’t have to be (or call yourself) a coach or healer. If your work is service-based and facilitates any kind of transformation with people, businesses or communities, this program might be for you!

If you have come to help me, you are wasting your time. If you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.”

— An Aboriginal Activist Group, Queensland, 1970s

There’s a reason this quote is so meaningful:

There’s been a disconnect in our approach.

We’ve taken our complex humanity and our interconnectedness and simplified it. We’ve chosen to believe and teach that the only obstacle in the way of your dreams and the life you wish to live is you. In some cases this is true – in many others, it’s not and sometimes it’s both.

As transformative leaders – people who work directly with the mind, body and/or soul of a diverse group of people – we’ve inherited a culture that has denied the influential role that cultural and institutional systems play in our ability to heal, grow and be free.

In our efforts to bridge personal growth and social justice, we’ve realized that the two are actually deeply intertwined. As the saying goes: “the personal is political.” This truth is easy to miss when we choose to only focus on the individual and not the cultures and systems that the individual both affects and is affected by.

Here’s what I know:

  • Our capacities to listen, hold space, guide, question, support, envision, heal and acknowledge the greatness in others are profoundly needed in our world.
  • Because we’ve chosen to use those capacities to transform the lives of those we serve, we also have a responsibility to transform the systems we live within that do not serve the whole.
  • The potential of humanity lies within the systems that we navigate every single day. Our belief systems, our family systems, our educational systems, economic, cultural, institutional, etc.
  • We, humans, created and sustain those systems and we’re way past due for some wide-scale transformation.
  • When we bypass the sadness, rage and grief that comes with being human and the current state of our world, we miss out on the gifts within those emotions that can be harnessed for change.
  • And if we’re talking love & light, “justice is what love looks like in public.” (Cornel West)
  • Social change cannot happen without healing and healing cannot happen without justice.
  • Our individual wellbeing is directly tied to the wellbeing of us all.
  • Activism is bigger than a protest, it’s about how you show up in your everyday life.

Any of this resonating? You’re in the right place!

Have you ever found yourself saying…

Vision + Intended Outcomes:

Wondering what you might get out of Coaching as Activism? Here’s what’s possible:

  • Connect + cultivate relationships with other socially responsible coaches, healers and leaders.
  • Get an embodied understanding of how Supremacy Culture plays out in your own life and in the lives of the people you serve so that you can actively take steps toward developing a practice and business that is available to all regardless of their social identities.
  • Develop your vision for change in our world and articulate how your work supports your community in being a part of realizing that vision.
  • Add more tools to your metaphorical toolbox for your work and life, i.e. activities, resources, strategies, questions, etc.
  • Strengthen your capacity to lead and confront these issues within your community + with your clients and hold space for those who are also learning and unlearning.
  • Develop non-icky, ethical practices for business like: marketing, selling, copywriting, etc.
  • Create a true ripple effect by using your work as a tool for social change.

*This is all a process and it’s truly lifelong work. You won’t reach enlightenment through this program, but you will receive frameworks to draw from that you can continue to integrate into your work and life way after this program is over.

Meet Your Facilitator

Hi! I’m Andréa (she/they pronouns).

For most of my life, I’ve been living in the question: “How can I live, work and relate in a way that supports and contributes to positive social change?

Finding my answers to this question has been my life’s journey and I lovelovelove partnering with others who are also living in this question and supporting them in finding their own answers.

I created this program back in 2016 because I SO love the transformative work that we do as coaches, healers, counselors, artists and teachers.

And if we’re setting out to change lives and change the world, I don’t want anything to be left on the table.

For my part, I’m committed to doing what I can with who I am and what I have over the course of my life. This offering is a part of my contribution. Should you decide to join me for this Coaching as Activism adventure, I hope that it’ll be a catalyst, a challenge, and a comfort to and for you, as you engage in making your own contribution.

If you’re interested in the nitty gritty about me: I facilitate. I write. I create. I speak. I sing. Very black, very queer, very into God. I’m 29 years old, living in Chicago, IL. I’m a Leo, extroverted introvert, 6/2 mental projector in Human Design and a plant mama. I feel most led by the work of Audre Lorde, Octavia Butler, bell hooks, Adrienne Maree Brown, Jenn McCabe, June Jordan, Mariame Kaba, Relational Uprising and so many more.

Program Overview:

Coaching as Activism is a 3-month intensive program complete with 7 bi-weekly, live gatherings. We start on April 4th.

This is a group container. At maximum you’ll have 25 people in your cohort.

The Full Calendar (tap the + 👉🏽)

Coaching as Activism runs from April 4th, 2024 – June 27th, 2024 bi-weekly from 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm Eastern Standard Time.

We will gather on…

  • April 4, 2024
  • April 18, 2024
  • May 2, 2024
  • May 16, 2024
  • May 30, 2024
  • June 13, 2024
  • June 27, 2024

Our sessions will be hosted via Zoom and WILL be recorded.

You are not required to attend every gathering, but your attendance and the quality of your participation will impact what you get from this program.


The Space

You're encouraged to Show Up + Take Responsibility

What truly makes Coaching as Activism such a potent space + the above points possible is when each of us does these two things:

Show up as you are. Show up with whatever you’re holding. Show up and engage with others in the space.

Take responsibility for how you choose to show up. Take responsibility for your learning and your experience.

These are simple, but in practice, they often require integrity, courage and deep care (for self and others).

This is a Person-Centered Learning space

I am guided by you – where you’re at and where you want to go, what you want to learn, and how you want to grow.

The design of this program is rooted in a Person-Centered Approach to learning.

What this means is:

  • I (Andréa) am responsible for facilitating learning
  • and you are responsible for your experience and your learning.

I am not the holder of all knowledge here to bestow The Truth™ upon you while you passively absorb my wisdom, take notes, memorize, and repeat what you’ve been told in your own words.

Rather, this is a unique opportunity to set aside The Right Way© and learn YOUR WAY by putting your desires, questions, and challenges at the center and from there, craft an experience that supports you and others to get what you each want out of this program.

A Person-Centered Approach is a way to uproot supremacy culture.

Supremacy requires a disregard for humanity. A Person-Centered Approach puts your humanity, your personhood, sovereignty, responsibility, and power at the forefront.

Over the course of our 3 months together we will have 7 bi-weekly, 2.5 hour live gatherings. What we do with those gatherings and the time between them will be individually and collectively determined.

I recognize that this type of learning container is very different from what many of us have experienced before, so I’d like to use the first gathering to get better acquainted with this Person-Centered Approach and what it looks like in practice.

The live gatherings won’t be the only opportunity to engage with the learning available to you in this program – other resources, tailored to what you and the group want to learn (and how you learn), will be made available to you during and outside of our time together. This may include, but is not limited to: a curated, multimedia library; small groups; experiential assignments, an online community, and more.

I work to hold this as a Liberatory Space

One vital skill involved in making our work our activism is tending to our current reality while creating a different one. This space invites us to be with that tension.

As the facilitator of this program, I work to make this a space that supports the work of getting free from and being free to.

A few of the ways I put that into practice is by:

  • tending to the experience of the most marginalized in the room (people of color, trans/gnc/nb folks, disabled folks, etc) and co-creating a space where, if you hold any of these identities, I ask that you prioritize your learning and experience rather than tailoring how you show up to making sure those with respective privileged identities are comfortable (because you’re joining this for. you.)
  • making space for the process of actively uprooting beliefs and ways of being that uphold systems of oppression through the content we’re digging into, in the way we show up with one another in the program, in our work, families, and relationships
  • working to co-create a psychologically safe space for each of us to learn, grow, make mistakes, and practice relational accountability. people are messy and so is liberation – purity, perfectionism and punishment have no place here.

The Content

CAA will take you through a process of unearthing the ways various systems of oppression show up in your life, work and relationships (specifically anti-blackness/white supremacy, patriarchy, capitalism, classism, etc) while supporting you to make shifts and decisions that better align with your values and commitments.

The content includes:

  • original writings, videos and workbooks related to the topic of the module
  • curated lists of resources (pdfs, articles, videos, audio from other educators)
  • interviews from guest teachers
  • reflection prompts and experiential assignments – ways for you to bring the questions and ideas we’re considering in this program into your work and everyday life
  • and all original audio and video content will have transcriptions!

How to Join

Enrollment for Coaching as Activism is open! We start April 4th.

Coaching as Activism is a 3 month commitment to yourself and your CAA cohort. The work that we’re engaging in within CAA is lifelong, relational and slow but impactful work. When you join CAA, you’re saying “YES” to showing up for making your contribution to the world around you.

Quick review – by joining you’ll get:

  • Access to a content-rich vault of Coaching as Activism goodness
  • A 3-month group intensive with 7 live, bi-weekly calls facilitated by Andréa
  • A 30-min welcome call with Andréa to support your leadership and business goals

For additional support, you can join the group program AND receive 3 monthly private coaching sessions with me (1 each month). These 1 hour sessions would be focused on topics most relevant to your learning and leadership journey – uprooting supremacy, vision articulation and strategy, building community/team, messaging and marketing, and more.

Ready? Let’s do this.

Choose your preferred payment option below to register.


$197/month for the Group Program

$500/month for additional Monthly Private Coaching


$500 total for Group Program (save $91)

$1,400 total for Monthly Private Coaching (save $100)


Have questions?

Send me an email at [email protected] or DM me on Instagram @andrearanaej!

*This is the only time CAA will be offered in 2024 and will likely be the final round that I will facilitate in this way. If you’re interested, but this timing doesn’t work for you, please send me a note!

Tap play on the video to hear about what CAA can offer you:

Working with Andréa and doing this work is so much more than becoming a good or just person. It’s about really getting to the heart of who you have been told that you are, looking deeply at that and letting those layers fall off of you so that you can get to the heart of who you are and show up in this world and be the person you’re here to be and do the work in this world that you’re here to do and serve the people that you are here to serve.

Heather Waxman

Sound Healer, Spiritual Life Coach, Breathwork Facilitator